My First 10K Swim

By Barak Benaryeh

I have been swimming at Deep Eddy pool for close to 20 years. I have always wanted to do a longer swim and now that I am in my mid-50’s and have more free time to train I signed up for a 10 K swim and gave myself 3 months to train hard. 


Having a target in my life and in swimming has always helped to give me purpose. Knowing that I was training for 1 specific task helped push me past my previous comfort zone of 2 miles per workout to longer workouts and longer sets. I love that point during long distance sets where your mind goes blank and you feel at peace with your surroundings and yourself. It’s as close to stopping time as you can get. Getting that feeling in a chlorinated 25 yard pool is very hard and maybe impossible for me, I only get there at Deep Eddy. 

Race Result

I completed the swim and though it was not quite the time I had hoped for, I accomplished what I set out to do. I drank too much ocean water and not enough plain water - big mistake. I stepped out of the water dehydrated and not in the best of shape, to say the least. I made it back to the nearby hotel where I was staying, texted my wife "I made it, but I might die," didn't think much of that, shut my ringer off my phone and fell asleep for two hours.  I woke up to some worried texting and missed phone calls but luckily she didn't have them break down the hotel room door to check on me. She suggested that in future I not text "I might die" and then tune out. 

Zen vs Competitive Mindset

I am not the fastest swimmer and am always working to improve. I’m forever fighting an internal battle between the competitive side of myself that wants to get faster, and achieve more and the Zen part of me that swims for mental balance and joy. I think I will forever wage that battle but what better place to figure out who I am as I age than the most beautiful swimming pool in one of the most beautiful cities.

The Perfect Psychotherapist

Swimming long distances brings a level of tranquility to my busy life and for the time that I am in Deep Eddy swimming, I leave the world behind. You can’t reach me by cell phone, email, or any other method. My wife calls Deep Eddy my place of worship but it may be more accurate to say that this pool is the best therapist I’ve ever met. 


Grateful That Eddy Is Better Than Ever


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